As humans, we are well aware of many things our bodies suffer from as far as diseases and any other malfunctions. Through our own research, we’ve come to the realization the root cause of many of our problems were actually forced upon us by those who thrive on money, power, and control. As stated many times, the medical industry and big pharma are NOT in business to heal, they are in business to create life-long clients. After all, they can’t make their fortunes with healthy individuals who have no need for them, can they?
But Hey, why stop there? If these same corrupt entities can make billions off of humans seeking medical help, why wouldn’t they go after more? What else could they focus on? Our beloved animals and pets perhaps? Keep in mind, Big Pharma and the government alphabet soup control literally everything medically related, INCLUDING the veterinary industry. Then there are the pet foods, shampoos, and many other products that contain chemicals harmful to animals. Yes, I said it! They couldn’t stop with humans. Oh no! I mean, why would they when there are more life-long clients to be had, right? Which brings us to today’s topic…Epilepsy and Seizures in dogs.
Seeing your beloved pet have a seizure can be a bit frightening as well as heartbreaking. The indicators your dog is suffering from a seizure can range from a mild, dazed appearance to the severe, with uncontrollable tremors, fits, and loss of consciousness.
So, what can cause epilepsy and seizures in dogs?
Dog Seizures and Epilepsy
Seizures can be caused by a variety of factors including:
Outside of the brain
Certain medications like flea and tick treatments, vaccinations, and ingesting poisons such as herbicides and pesticides.
Inside of the brain
Brain damage from a head injury, tumors, and certain infections to name a few.
This means there is no underlying medical reason causing functional problems in the brain but something IS causing the neurons to miss fire.
What Can Trigger Dog Seizures?
*It is important to pay attention to surrounding factors that may trigger your dogs’ seizures. After you are able to make the connections, you can reduce their exposure to these triggers.
Triggers can come from things like the products you use around the house, foods, medications, and even stress. As with humans, one of the best things you can do is avoid using chemical products in your home and yard.
For example:
- Use natural cleaning products
- Avoid scented candles and products with artificial perfumes
- Don’t smoke around your dog
- Loud music or flashing or bright lights
- Do your research. Some plants or flowers can be toxic to dogs.
- Don’t use chemical pesticides and herbicides in your yard!
So the question remains… Can CBD Oil help control seizures in dogs?
CBD Oil For Dogs With Epilepsy and Seizures
Scientists have been discovering through studies and anecdotal evidence the wide variety of highly effective CBD uses in both humans and dogs. Interestingly, one of the most important uses of CBD oil for dogs is the management of seizures. If your dog suffers from regular seizures more than likely, epilepsy would be the offender. Epilepsy means there are bursts of uncontrolled electricity in your dog’s brain. Sometimes there’s no cure for this condition, but you may be able to manage it naturally with CBD oil.
So, how does the CBD Oil work?
As mentioned in previous articles, there are two types of endocannabinoid receptors in our bodies, and yes, in your dogs’ too!
- The CB2 receptors – mainly in the immune system.
- The CB1 receptors – centralized in the nervous system and the brain.
In this scenario, it is the CB1 receptors that have the greatest impact on your dog’s seizure treatment. Research shows that CBD improves seizure control in patients with specific epilepsy syndromes. Seizures can have profound effects on the endocannabinoid system. This is why CBD, through a process known as “external modulation,” can reduce and, in some instances, stop seizures from happening.
Exactly how CBD contributes to a reduction in seizures and affects the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is still unknown. One theory is that CBD affects the receptors that calm the neurons that fire during a seizure. One thing we DO know is CBD oil can have a positive effect on your dog’s seizure activity. Any side effects at all, it will most probably manifest in the form of a nap.
How much CBD oil should I give my dog?
Well first, we will always recommend seeking advice from your veterinarian before administering any medical alternative to your pets. With that being said, CBD oil dosage for your dog depends on his size. Smaller dogs require lower dosages, of course, while larger dogs will need more to see an effect. You can make these determinations based on your dog’s weight. It’s best to follow the label directions on the product you buy.
Always look for CBD oil with the following features:
- Full spectrum or broad spectrum
- Preferably organic
- Extracted using C02 extraction, without solvents or chemicals
- Manufacturer provides Certificate Of Analysis from a third party lab, showing that the product is what’s claimed on the label, and is free of contaminants, additives and/or preservatives
In the end, remember that our animals and pets suffer from many of the same issues we do that stem from things such as our surrounding environment to the foods we consume. Those natural cures and remedies you seek for yourself can be just as beneficial to your fur babies too!